Monday, January 28, 2008

The Family Budget Process

This brings us to the family budget process. We might ask questions like:
 How to set up a family budget?
 How should a family budget be used?

Insights around the tools and techniques of family budgeting could also be useful:
 Practical suggestions for setting up a budget?
 A step-by-step summary of a family budget process
 Hints, tips, tricks and tools for setting up a family budget

Stay tuned for more…

1 comment:

Guntar said...

Budgeting can help anyone to know exactly what she have and how much of it she can spend without compromising on her savings. Easier said than done. I've had many difficulties (and still!) on maintaing a proper family budget. I don't like fancy software, I'd rather prepare my family budget with MS Excel template. "Ignorance is Bliss", I hope that was true when it comes to family budgeting. So many things are possible when you are debt free and live on a budget.